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The eras of civilizations are the time frames dividing the chronology of human existence into the main historical ages such as Prehistory, Classical Ages, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, down to the Information Age.

The Prehistory Age

The prehistoric era did not have any historical record.

  • The Angelic Age : that time when the angels were created by God. All the angels were present when God created the Original Earth.

  • The Perfect Age : that time during which the Original Earth remained perfect in all its aspects.

  • The Luciferian Age: that period when Lucifer was abusing his authority on the Original Earth.

  • The Ice Age:  that time when the Original Earth was covered under the waters for millions of years

  • The Stone Age (6000 B.C. to 3000 B.C.) was that period of time when the aliens were moving around the Regenerated Earth and the humans were asked to replenish the Regenerated Earth.

  • The Bronze Age (3000 B.C. to 1300 B.C.) was that time when the human race had started to develop their science of agriculture and their arts of war and music.

  • The Iron Age (1300 B.C. to 600 B.C.) was that period when the human civilizations had started to develop their permanent settlements.

The Classical Age (600 B.C.-A.D. 500)

The Classical Age, also known as “Classical Antiquity”, began around 600 B.C. The Classical Age was a time of philosophical development, the record of chronicles of world affairs. New philosophies about life were being devised in order to resolve the conflicts between the civilizations. China developed Confucianism concerning familial relationships. Hinduism developed its philosophy of reincarnation. Buddhism developed its philosophy of meditation. The Greeks developed their spirit of free inquiry into everything that matters, including Gnosticism, Agnosticism, and the various political concepts of democracy and human management. Their philosophers developed a variety of subjects that included astronomy, mathematics, science, ethics, logic, aesthetics, leaving no stone unturned. Christianity came at that right moment when all the people of all civilizations were debating about which of the human doctrines of philosophy was the true solution to human problems. Christianity showed that only the love for the neighbor was the way to resolve the problems of the struggling humanity.

The Apostolic Age (33 AD to 100 AD)

The Apostolic Age is that part of The Classical Age which started when Jesus Christ had ascended into heaven till the death of the last of His Twelve Apostles. It was that period of the timely records of events about the historical missionary activities of Jesus Christ and His Apostles.

The Dark Ages (A.D. 476. - A.D. 1000)

The “Dark Ages” are named due to the lack of recorded history after the fall of the Roman Empire in A.D. 476. The “Dark Ages” was a period where some new powers arose after the collapse of the Roman Empire. The Western part of the Roman was being fragmented by the Germanic barbarians. In 719 the Pope of Rome sent missionaries to carry the Christian faith into the heathen parts of Germany and established monasteries. Charles Martel became the ruler of the Franks. In 800 AD Charlemagne was crowned by the pope as the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Middle Ages (A.D. 1000-A.D. 1400)

It is that period of time during which the cultures of the large civilizations greatly influenced the neighboring cultures. The cultures and customs of the Chinese civilization spread to Japan, Korea, Vietnam and the neighboring countries. The cultures and religions of the Indian civilization spread to Southeast Asia. 


The Renaissance was a period in European history that was associated with great social change, a rebirth or revival of classical learning and wisdom in a wide variety of areas, including politics, science, art, religion, literature, the rediscovery of classical Greek philosophy, new thinking in politics, oil painting, and how to make building materials. The invention of the printing press had allowed the fast publication of philosophical ideas, poetry and literature. Some of the most famous men of that period were Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei.

The Age of Discovery (1500 - 1600)

The Discovery Age is also the Age of Exploration, that era time when the European explorers were navigating the seas. It started when the Portuguese, from their port of Portugal, sailed far into the oceans for overseas explorations. As many European nations sent their navigators on mission, the competition among them caused the enrichment of the European nations from international trade and colonialism.

The Age of Enlightenment (1600 AD – 1700 AD.)

The Age of Enlightenment is that period where there was more open debate about natural philosophy and public opinions. The Enlightenment included a range of ideas ranging from liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state. It was influenced by the Scientific Revolution that would eventually help the philosophers like René Descartes and Isaac Newton to develop their theories that eventually became the fundamental laws of science and physics.

The Industrial Age (1700- 1950)

The Industrial Age was a period of history that encompasses the changes in economic and social organization that came from The Industrial Revolution in England. It was the beginning of the use of machinery for the replacement of hand tools, the use of power-driven machines such as the steam engine, instead of using lots of labour force. Almost all of the inventions and discoveries that were useful for the Industrial Age came from the scientists of the United Kingdom.

The Digital Age (as from 1950)

The Digital Age is also known as the Computer Age, or Information Age. It is a period that began around 1950 that caused a change from the traditional industry processes of the Industrial Age to an economy based on information technology. The development of electronics, transistors, integrated circuits, cathode ray tubes, television and telecommunications brought the development of the modern computers that have revolutionized the way that works were done in the industrial, commercial, and worldwide economy. This was the age when machines could be driven by computers instead of humans that are prone to human errors, prone to sleepiness and sicknesses.