Empires arose from those emperors that conquered new territories and then appointed kings and governors to apply their rules to the colonized new lands and make their inhabitants obey the same commandments as in the imperial city.
The Babel Empire
The city of Babel was the capital of the empire of Nimrod. As he was the most powerful man on earth, he tried to command everyone on earth so that they all worship the idols of stone and wood. However his empire was destroyed when the Lord God descended onto their land and confounded their language so that they could not understand one another's speech. Eventually, the people were all scattered upon the face of all the earth.
The Egyptian Empire
The Egyptian empire, in the days of Moses, was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs. However, the people of the Hebrew civilization could not adapt to the religious system of the Egyptians and they were therefore persecuted for their faith. Prophet Moses was used by God to bring them out of the Egypt to the Promised Land of Israel.
The Israelite Empire
God was the emperor of the Israelite and He used the kings of Israel to spread His glory to the whole earth, and giving the whole world His Laws and His commandments, sending prophets across the world to warn all the foreign kings to repent from their sins lest they perish along with their people.
The Assyrian Empire
The Israelites were not faithful to God and many of them did like the other nations and worshiped the idols of stone and wood. Therefore the land of Israel was attacked by the Assyrian Empire which eventually ruled over Israel.
The Babylonian Empire
The Babylonian empire ruled over the land of Israel and destroyed the First Temple of God that was built by King Solomon. Nebuchadnezzar led away into exile all Jerusalem and all the mighty men of valor.
The Medes and Persian Empire
The Medes and Persian Empire, through King Cyrus the Great put an end to the Babylonian captivity. King Cyrus was used by God to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.
The Greek Empire
The Greek Empire became the dominating one when Alexander the Great of Macedonia conquered the whole of the Middle East, making Greece as the world power. The Greeks spread lots of mythology and legends that promoted the idolatrous worship of all sorts of gods of stone and wood.
The Roman Empire
The Roman Empire had the same type of mythology and legends that promoted the idolatrous worship of all sorts of gods of stone and wood. The Romans were quite tolerant in matters of religious belief of other people and allowed many religious sects and cults to proselytize without any restriction, because the social cohesion was only based on the obedience of the subjects toward the emperor. The first two centuries of the empire saw a period of great stability and prosperity known as the Pax Romana ("Roman Peace"). It was in this moment of World Peace that Jesus Christ came on earth, in Palestine, where His ministry was carried out peacefully.
As the people of the Jews and the Greeks and the Romans were converting to Christianity and would not worship the Caesar of Rome, they were all persecuted for their new faith. Eventually, the Romans destroyed the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
The Palmyrene Empire
The Palmyrene Empire rose in rebellion against the Roman Empire under the leadership of Zenobia, the Queen of Palmyra, who led her armies to conquer the entire east part of the Roman empire during the roman Crisis of the Third Century. With the decline of the Palmyrene Empire in the west, Syria became part of the Byzantine Empire with the population converted to Christianity, where the Church of Antioch played a major role in the spread of Christianity.
The Gupta Empire
The Gupta Empire came at about the same time when the Roman Empire was declining in the West. It controlled northern India and exported its polytheistic belief and philosophies to the region of Afghanistan, Iran and Arabia.
The Holy Roman Empire
The Holy Roman Empire was a confederation of territories in West and Central Europe. King Charlemagne was the King of the Franks who became the King of the Holy Roman Empire. That empire encouraged their subjects to follow the commandments of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Mongol Empire
The Mongol empire started with Genghis Khan. It occupied an area from Poland to Persia, occupying all the territories that had been part of the Mohammedan Empire and included Russia and China. Genghis Khan was a shamanist but was tolerant of all other religions. As the Mongol Empire declined, the Georgian Christians pushed the Mongols out of their territory, and the Uyghur Muslims established an independent state in Anatolia, modern Turkey. China expelled the rest back to Mongolia.
The Chinese Empire
The Chinese empire came by the Ming Dynasty after the Mongols had been kicked out of China. The Ming Dynasty built a religious city in Beijing now known as the "Forbidden City" by the communist regime.. Several succeeding Chinese dynasties lasted for many centuries.
The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire started out of Anatolia when the resident Muslim Turks took power over Constantinople, the capital of the Christian Byzantine Empire, and renamed the city Istanbul. Eventually the regions of Syria, Arabia, Palestine and Egypt became under the Ottoman Empire which promoted the commandments of Muhammad ( a title meaning "The Praised One" ).
The British Empire
The British Empire started from the union of England, Scotland and Ireland which became the United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth I of England had appointed several naval expeditions to the East Indies, setting up the British East India Company. The empire got many colonies through sea explorations and international trade which brought much wealth. It promoted the commandments of Jesus Christ, because the King/Queen of England is the Head of the Anglican Church.
The Russian Empire
The Russian Empire was founded upon the expulsion of the Golden Horde. When the Ottomans had surrendered to Russia, the Russian Empire took over all their territories downward to Turkestan. Russia entered into World War I on the side of France and the United Kingdom against the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman forces. After the victory of Russia's allies and the total defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the Republic of Russia was proclaimed and the Soviet Union was established as the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" (USSR). It became an atheist state that followed the communist type of politics. The Communist Party, with Moscow as its capital, ruled over huge territories that included Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, banning all types of religion within the territory, closing all the churches and mosques and all places of religious activities.