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The first human civilization started in the Garden of Eden, in modern Iraq.

The habitat was perfect, with the rivers flowing through the area.

“A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four rivers named the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. (Genesis 2)

The human body being consisted of 70% water, man had to live beside the waters, where there were abundance of vegatation and food.

The dynasties were those families that played prominent roles in managing the resources within their territories, thus becoming the first politicians of their own system of government.

A government system had to be developed in order to organize the community of people for their general welfare, their needs and their protection, through some sort of hierarchy.

A system of hierarchy had to be set up for supervising the activities within their territories.

Cities, shelters, and infrastructure for transport and utilities were continuously developed for the comfortable settlement of the communities.

Laws had to be legislated to keep the country in peace and order for the protection of the citizens against any abuses and crimes.

Languages had to be developed and standardized, making the communication process more efficient.

The clothing industry had to be developed for the personal comfort and protection of the human body.

Food supply had to be explored and developed to ensure proper nutrition for the citizens.

Writing had to be standardized for keeping written records of all sorts of affairs.

Art and artistic activities featured the advancement in the civilizations.

Sports had to be encouraged for entertainments, health and general fitness.

Music and musical instruments had to be developed and used for the social gatherings, religious meetings and weddings.

Calendars had to be devised for the purpose of scheduling activities.

Media, newspapers and newer information technologies had to be developed for informing people about the important affairs occurring.

Religions, spiritual activities and rituals were being observed as acts of worship and for tapping into the supernatural.

Education had to be administered in order to teach the people about literacy and training the skilled workers in their trades.

Research and development had to be pursued to improve matters and make new innovations..

Civics had to be promoted for the consolidation of the established social structure and the full integration of everone into the communities.

Ethics had to be encouraged so as to show honesty in matters of trade and services.

Competition had to be encouraged to boost improvement in products and services.

Property rights and private ownership had to be protected and peacefully resolved from disputes.

Job Specialization had to be encouraged for increase in efficiency and safety for the customers.

Transport and internal communication had to be developed for the efficient movements of the people and the commodities.

Medicine and hospital facilities had to be developed to improve quality of life.

The consumer society had to be supplied with their increasing demand for better goods and services.

The military defense against the potential enemies had to be set up through training and equipment.

The tax system had to be implemented for funding the various government and public expenditures.

The affairs that happened within the civilizations had to be monitored and the locals much informed of the foreign affairs occurring elsewhere.

Marriages were encouraged and celebrated to promote the growth of the population.

Morality had to be defined to guide the actions, behaviour and attitudes of the people for the promotion of welfare and security, inspiring the virtues while discouraging the vices.

The domestic animals had to be cared for and properly used according to their ability to perform certain hard works and for food supply.

The resources of energy had to be monitored for optimum use.