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Many civilizations are experiencing internal troubles. The mixing of different civilizations within the same geographical region is already causing some serious clashes of civilizations. There are many internal hindrances in all civilizations, these negative things that prevent the people from achieving their full personal development.


Disobedience towards government

The civil disobedience in Libya had brought down the collapse of the whole country after The Arab Spring and the series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in 2010. Thousands of migrants had to leave for Europe through illegal immigration.


Disobedience toward to hierarchy

Most people happily navigate their daily lives through the various ranks in their companies, doing their jobs as per requirement of their supervisors. Insubordination and the lack of respect to the higher hierarchy lead to anarchy and drastic consequences, with its accompanying chaos and cacophony.


Destruction of infrastructure

The destruction of infrastructure through the acts of vandalism is a common result of the clashes of civilizations. Vandalism against religious sites is on the rise across many countries.


Abusive rules of clothing

The rules of clothing have been great hindrances to the development of many civilizations. Many had imposed certain rules of clothing on certain classes of their citizens as the means to humiliate their subjects. In the non-Muslim countries, some Muslim women have been experiencing much difficulty wearing their burkinis; they have often been forced out of pools and beaches, under the pretext that their bathing wear was not safe for swimming.


Dangerous Food

Many civilizations have had bad experiences from food that are not good for consumption, often poisonous and which should be avoided at all cost. God had given the Israelite's a list of animals that are impure and should never be eaten. The Book of Leviticus, Chapter 11, have on top of the list: the camel, the rabbit, the pig and many creatures in the seas. Still many civilizations are eating these interdicted foods, often drinking camel urine as the medication prescribed by their religious traditions, resulting in the spread of the MERS corona virus. Some religious cultures still encourage the eating of flies because of their belief that one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease.


Restrictions in Art

Many civilizations of our modern world are suffering from a sort of sickness as they celebrate the destruction of the old sculptures that were present in the mountains of Afghanistan and those pieces of old Babylon that were exposed in the museum of Baghdad. Civilizations that have no art are doomed to be cut off from human history and die incognito.

Restrictions in Sports

Many countries are still putting restrictions in sports, especially preventing their female athletes from emancipation and from world competition. Any hindrance to sport leads to the sickness of the people and the sickness of the civilization.


Restrictions in Music

The denial of music has reduced some civilizations to be inhospitable, causing loss of income from tourism. Many natives of these civilizations left their countries for the countries where they are free to listen and enjoy music. Many North Koreans have been killed because of illegal listening of music. Some Muslim sects that live in non-Muslim countries never take music lessons because of their belief that learning an instrument is anti-Islamic. Any civilization that hinders music ends up in the destruction of itself.


Restrictions to the Media

Many countries have imposed restrictions on the common social networks like Facebook, YouTube, supposedly to prevent its citizens from becoming too powerful.

The Conflicts of Civilizations

The clashes between civilizations are open as never before. Parts of the sources of conflicts are the ideological, the religious, the cultural and the economic matters. Conflict of ideologies, such as communism, fascism-Nazism and liberal democracy, are still going on. Nowadays the countries are grouping themselves mostly in terms of their culture and civilization instead of doing so in terms of their geopolitical boundaries, or economic systems or in terms of their level of economic development. The differences bring conflict, and conflicts bring violence. The next world war, if there is one, will be a war between civilizations.


Slaves have long been considered as a sort of material property, deprived of all the legal rights as most of them were obtained through war and from the slave traders. Slavery has deprived people of their potential to be leaders in the domains that they were gifted for. One of the few slaves that could use his mind to get out of slavery to become a political diplomat was known as Aesop, the teller of many tales of wisdom.

Restrictions from loans

Today's sophisticated economy causes many people to resort to taking mortgages for their dream home, taking car loans for their cars for their professional needs, and reimbursing their loans according to the agreed terms and interests. Still there are many who criticize the concept of taking loans and paying interest on the money borrowed, condemning the practice as “Usury” or “Riba” in the Islamic countries. The restrictions from taking loans have hindered the emancipation of the people and blocked the economy of many countries, preventing the clever people from access to advanced education, and from their necessary tools to perform their jobs.

Phobias hinder civilizations

All the phobias are the fearful reactions towards the dreaded things, causing panic when encountering the elements of the fearful thing. The fear can be of certain places, situations, groups of people, objects, animals, etc. Even the angels had fear before becoming fallen angels. Some of the most common types of “phobias” are: Christophobia (fear of Christians), Cynophobia (fear of dogs), Hinduphobia (fear of Hindus), Islamophobia (fear of Muslims), Judaphobia (fear of Jews), Xenophobia (fear of strangers or foreigners), and Zoophobia (fear of animals) Any phobia towards the others hinders the emancipation of the human civilizations.

Terrorism hinders civilizations

Terrorism are those criminal acts are usually committed against civilians with the intent to cause death or bodily injury with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in the general public to intimidate a population or to compel a government to do or to abstain from doing certain action. Terrorist attacks are great hindrances to the development of civilizations and have even overthrown many past civilizations across the millennia.

Some other hindrances to civilizations include the mafia, the drug cartel and modern slavery.