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Habitat is the place where the living entities make their homes.

The habitat must provide almost everything that the inhabitants need. Some of the resources that are required within the habitat include Shelter, Food and Water

The Earth Habitat

The Inhabitants of the Earth consist of the humans as the main characters with a whole host of spiritual beings playing their roles in the background. Some of the inhabitants include:

The Angel of the Lord, Archangels, Angels, Principalities, Fallen Angels, Demons, Wicked Spirits, Impure Spirits, Human Beings, Animals and Plants.

The Heavenly Habitat

 The heavens are the places where beings such as God, angels, spirits, and saints live for eternity. The Heavens are often described as the higher places, the holiest places. The Heavenly beings descend to Earth from time to time and incarnate to appear to some people for some purposes, and the Earthly living beings also can ascend to Heaven in exceptional cases, but most do it in the afterlife.


The Inhabitants of Heavens

The inhabitants of the heavenly realm include:

 Elohim: the biblical plural word for God. The real name of God is “I AM” in English or “YWH” in the original language of the Hebrews.

 Seraphim: the heavenly creatures standing nearest to the throne of God.

 Cherubim: the heavenly creatures standing nearest to the throne of God.


Animals in the Heavenly Habitat

The Books of the Bible mention that there are animals in Heaven.