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The myriad of difficulties that the world has faced since the beginning of the earthly time have caused many world organizations to come up with much generous assistance to those civilizations that have found themselves struck by natural disasters such as earthquakes, plagues, famine and various cataclysms.


The United Nations

 The United Nations is an international organization that came into being after those destruction caused by the Second World War in order to procure peace and security across the world. The UN promotes prosperity by providing various opportunities for the economic development of many nations, their social welfare, their environmental protection, and anything that helps improving the lives of people everywhere.




The UNESCO stands for The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. As a branch of the United Nations, it provides the frameworks that support the rights of humanity towards education, access to learning materials, promoting some diversified curricula. The UNESCO plays a vital role for the protection of sites that are classified as “World Heritage Sites”.



The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization is concerned with the public health of the world at large. It monitors and takes actions on all public health emergencies of international concern. Its global alert and response system detects international public health events, performs a risk assessment, and mobilizes its international network of public health partners for assisting the countries that have some health risk issues.


The World Financial Institutions

There are several world financial institutions that facilitate the international flows of financial capital for purposes of investment and trade financing of the countries of the world. The economic globalization led to the establishment of central banks for the international markets and international trade and investment. The list includes the International Monetary Fund, known as IMF, The World Bank Group (WBG), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank grants loans for the construction of huge infrastructure works, such as seaports, highway systems, and power plants that would generate enough income to enable a borrower country to achieve the goals of ending extreme poverty and building prosperity.


 The World Trade Organizations

The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the rules of trade between nations. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, it ensures that the trades and the economic endeavors are conducted in ways that raise the standards of living of the world citizens.


 The World Trade Centers

A World Trade Center is an organization that can be located in any country. It supplies businesses with access to international trade services and facilities and seeks to simplify and stimulate trade by bringing together the offices of government and industry that serve and carry on trade.


The Intergovernmental Organizations

The intergovernmental organizations are formed by several governments that have much in common such as the African Union (AU), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Commonwealth and European Union.


The Interpol

The INTERPOL, International Criminal Police Organization is a world organization through which all the Police forces of many countries collaborate in order to monitor the criminal activities of people or organizations that operate in many territories simultaneously. It maintains a broad range of global databases that contain information about the wanted individuals and on Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD). It also coordinates the circulation of alerts and warnings on suspected or wanted terrorists. It also provides training to the foreign States in their combat against crimes and terrorism.


The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

This is an international humanitarian movement that protects human life and health, ensuring respect for all human beings, preventing or alleviating human suffering across the world.